Monday, December 13, 2021


I hear orders, Don'ts and Dos
Uttering words for the things to do
I'm not a machine nor a robot
The control is on me
God do charge my battery

I have my free will 
To decide on my own, make actions
It's just that there are limitations
Myself is not someone else's

Whatever consequences
comes on the road
Hardship, failures , name it all
I knew, there's I
God first and the second the one to rely

Comprehend the two paths
In every choices
You are proving definitions of self
Right or wrong?
Needs or wants? It's up to you

The changes are within me
Goals all over me
The word is not "selfish"
But it's a right of mine
Rights within rights

Image from: 

Wednesday, December 8, 2021


Hair cascading around  me
Suddenly blew by the wind
Closing my eyes
Familiarizing the ambience

Slowly I'll open my eyes
Let a deep sigh
Entice by the beauty
Engulf by serenity

Ethereal feeling
Fragrance that lingers
Coldness that surrounds
Visioning Monotonous green

Escaping from reality
Facing the ambiguity
Time passes by
Beauty that surrounds
Is nowhere to be found

The coldness is still there
Yet misery was mixed
Grimaced  by destruction
No longer fragrance
Coz 'twas Altered by foulness
Beholding the Black and white
Taking a step
Away from the entrance
Of  boundless fantasy
Now is the time
To encounter the reality

Dominate the self awareness
Open your senses
Welcome the life
And Meet yourself,
Take off the blindfold
You're a pot ,who needed to mold


I'm loss of words to transcribe
Loss of lyrics to compose
Loss of tears to burst
Loss of emotion to show

I'm numb of everything
It'll be ok to be that way
Cold as an ice..let it be

Let others to make their words for you
Put melody to your music
Let them laugh at you
And be glad to your downfall

Yet put an end to your silence
What is right in the end will prevail
Altered your silence to shut them up
If you're in your mind don't make any noise


Nobody can't see your beauty
 That was hidden 
Others might be scared of you 
And Shut their doors on you

 You started embracing the ground 
 Climbing tall trees and other plants 
 Some may be disgusted 
 And eventually step and crash you down

You'll survive on your own 
 Waitin' for the transformation
 Morphed into something 
Spreading your wings 

Wonderful Colors etched on you 
 Where the old ,is hard to behold 
You'll explore the world
 Race with the wind 

 Will savor the sweetness of flowers
 It's beautiful is same as yours 
 For you surpassed the epoch of your times
Now they'll admired the change

 Cliparts from: