Wednesday, December 8, 2021


Hair cascading around  me
Suddenly blew by the wind
Closing my eyes
Familiarizing the ambience

Slowly I'll open my eyes
Let a deep sigh
Entice by the beauty
Engulf by serenity

Ethereal feeling
Fragrance that lingers
Coldness that surrounds
Visioning Monotonous green

Escaping from reality
Facing the ambiguity
Time passes by
Beauty that surrounds
Is nowhere to be found

The coldness is still there
Yet misery was mixed
Grimaced  by destruction
No longer fragrance
Coz 'twas Altered by foulness
Beholding the Black and white
Taking a step
Away from the entrance
Of  boundless fantasy
Now is the time
To encounter the reality

Dominate the self awareness
Open your senses
Welcome the life
And Meet yourself,
Take off the blindfold
You're a pot ,who needed to mold

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